Tuesday 13 January 2009

All odour the world

Hello map lovers!
How's your sense of smell today? Good I hope, because you could join in the world's first odour map, thanks to a Japanese website which is mapping the world by its smell.
The BBC reports that members of the 'Nioibu' or Smell Club have posted descriptions of more than 160 odours from around the world. The scents range from 'cats with halitosis' in Kamakura, Japan, to 'verbena soap' in Paris, according to AP.
All that is missing, said a spokeswoman for Nioibu, is a 'smelling function'.
"That is our next challenge," said Kayo Matsubara, from Kayac Inc, which runs the Japanese-language Nioibu.com website.
Other scents that Nioibu's 'smellists' - as members are called - have posted include 'steam coming out of a rice cooker' and 'used socks in the summer'.
You can view the site here but you might have to brush up on your Japanese first...

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