Tuesday, 24 February 2009

Maps are what divide us

Hi there map lovers!
Now we don't like to get too controversial over here at Florida Map and Travel Information, but this issue is just too big for us to ignore.
Picture the scene. You're in a car, travelling somewhere you've never been before. In the driver's seat is a man, in the passenger's seat is a woman. With a map. There is an argument waiting to happen.
But maybe you should just chill, accept your differences and agree that men are good at some things, women at others. And while you're at it you can cite some recent scientific findings to back up your argument.
According to the Telegraph newspaper in England, scientists believe the reason the sexes differ is due to their different roles in evolution.
It says: Men had to hunt and stalk their prey, so became skilled at navigation, while women foraged for food and so became good at spotting fruits and nuts close by.
The theory emerged from a study which looked at the different ways in which men and women appreciate art.
Researchers discovered that a brain region called the parietal lobe, which governs spatial awareness, is active in both men and women when they admire a "beautiful" picture or photograph.
But while neurons on both sides of the brain were stimulated in women, only those in the right hemisphere were activated in men.
The left side deals with closer range objects while the right is better at co-ordinates.
The scientists, led by Dr Francisco Ayala from the University of California, and reported in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, believe differences in the way men and women appreciate beauty probably arose early in the evolution of early modern humans, say the researchers.
Hunting, traditionally done by men, required a "co-ordinating" ability to track animals accurately while on the move. Closer spatial awareness was better suited to foraging for fruit, roots or berries, a job mainly carried out by women.
"Women tend to be more aware than men of objects around them, including those that seem irrelevant to the current task, whereas men out-perform women in navigation tasks," the scientists wrote.
"Men tend to solve navigation tasks by using orientation-based strategies involving distance concepts and cardinal directions, whereas women tend to base their activities on remembering the location of landmarks and relative directions, such as "left from", or "to the right of"."

So there you have it. Evolution is to blame. Not men, nor women. Glad to have cleared that up.

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